Wednesday, April 12, 2006

India is funny

So recently I've found a lot of pretty hilarious India-humor. I heard from a friend that the last Simpsons episode featured Mr. Burns outsourcing his plant to India and Homer moves to Bangalore, titled "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore."

They must've come to India to do research, cuz this is so accurate it's scary

How I feel everyday in India

Here is a hilarious article on Slate entitled "Trying Really Hard to Like India" that's intensely funny, at least for me. One of my favorite passages:

But other pitches were not as well-crafted. For instance, there was this guy who smiled weakly and asked us, with a halfhearted shrug, "Monkey dance?" Our eyes followed the leash in his hand, which led to the neck of a monkey. The most jaded, world-weary monkey I've ever seen. The Lou Reed of monkeys. He looked like he was about to sit down, pull out his works, and shoot a big syringe full of heroin into his paw. Needless to say, we declined the monkey dance—which I'm guessing would have been some sort of sad, simian death-jig.

Here's the full article

Here's an Onion article about India that was posted in the last few days:

Air India Now Offers Business Caste Seating

When did India become the butt of so many jokes? And why did it take this long? This place is funny, and not enough people realize that. When it comes to India, everyone talks about the gravity of the situation when really they should be looking for how we can use these scenarios to laugh at a culture very different from our own.

Nothing new in life. More updates coming soon.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Pictures of my apartment, the Jethro Tull concert

I realize that I have not been updating this blog very much lately, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation: life has been boring. I've mostly been working since I've been back from the US. Even if I could talk about the details of work on this blog I probably wouldn't because I've been little more than an excel/PowerPoint monkey. And even on the weekends I've been earning some extra money doing voiceovers.

A couple pretty cool things have happened in the last week or two.

First off, it looks like Scott and I may be getting an intern to help us with a project similar to a venture capital initiative at Infosys. Not only might we be getting an intern, but the only applicants we've seen that we're interviewing are MBA students from Duke/Cornell/Harvard. I don't know how this person will feel working with two 23 year olds fairly fresh out of college, but hopefully they'll take it well. We have our first interview with a girl from Johnson School (Cornell), so I'll let you guys know what happens.

This article came out from the Associated Press about Americans moving to India for work opportunities. This is the most exposure I've gotten, and that's pretty crazy considering I never as much as spoke to the journalist on the phone. I've spent hours, days with journalists, even traveled with them, and they don't even quote you. Here's the article as it was picked up by the San Jose Mercury News.

I appreciate them mentioning my digestive issues while in India.

And here are some random pictures over the last few months.

Here are finally some pictures of my apartment and the view from my balcony as well as Winnie's:

View from my balcony on the 7th floor (8th floor in the US)

My living room (doors from right to left: my room, Pete's room, my bathroom, kitchen)

View of living room from couch

First thing you see when you walk in my door

View from Winnie's balcony

The Jethro Tull concert that was like 4 months ago:

Ian Anderson was on fire at this show!

Interesting stuff to come.