India is funny

So recently I've found a lot of pretty hilarious India-humor. I heard from a friend that the last Simpsons episode featured Mr. Burns outsourcing his plant to India and Homer moves to Bangalore, titled "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore."

Here is a hilarious article on Slate entitled "Trying Really Hard to Like India" that's intensely funny, at least for me. One of my favorite passages:
But other pitches were not as well-crafted. For instance, there was this guy who smiled weakly and asked us, with a halfhearted shrug, "Monkey dance?" Our eyes followed the leash in his hand, which led to the neck of a monkey. The most jaded, world-weary monkey I've ever seen. The Lou Reed of monkeys. He looked like he was about to sit down, pull out his works, and shoot a big syringe full of heroin into his paw. Needless to say, we declined the monkey dance—which I'm guessing would have been some sort of sad, simian death-jig.
Here's the full article
Here's an Onion article about India that was posted in the last few days:
Air India Now Offers Business Caste Seating
When did India become the butt of so many jokes? And why did it take this long? This place is funny, and not enough people realize that. When it comes to India, everyone talks about the gravity of the situation when really they should be looking for how we can use these scenarios to laugh at a culture very different from our own.Nothing new in life. More updates coming soon.
I really don't understand what is there to laugh about the culture of India. Just because you have a different cultural background, India does not become a streetside show for you to laugh at. - Amalraj
Oh man, that comment has confirmed it. India is hilarious and full of hysterical people.
Thanks Amalraj!
Fuck India
well all i can say after reading ur bold Nate.........dude just say true to ur title of " Nate Linkon : Citizen of the World" ....and take it easy ....i am sure u must be having fun in India and getting to learn things differently ...I am sure by now u must have realized how spoiled and pampered most Americans are...And just to end ...a comment for that Amalraj guy .....dude take it easy n live a lil ..crack some humor....and just that you know Amalraj i am also an Indian ....learn to laugh at ur self than only will u be able to enjoy the world better ...MORE LATER ..
Ooooooooooooooops sorry i meant BLOG not BOLD ...hahahaaaa..the Appu affect i guess
Hey Nate I really enjoyed reading this blog and I would have loved to do what you are doing. You will have memories for life that is for sure. BTW, some of these people that leave you comments are wierd and I think they need to get a life. If you can't laugh at your country and where you live, or yourself for that matter, what fun are you anyway. Don't cha know? Oh yaaaahh, I am from Wisconsin and I talk like up nort. hehe, ok, I am being really wierd now. we laugh and make jokes in the USA about everything from the President to diapers, just watch SNL, maybe Amalraj needs to watch some version of India SNL!!
Have a good one!
Do they have bubblers in India?
Hell yeah, India is hillarious!
I especially liked the clothing and duffle bags with fake corporate logos on them that use the wrong font, the name is misspelled, or there's something sublty but obviously wrong with the logo.
That said, I had a kick-ass 6 months there. Pune is a truly international city, and I made friends that I'll never forget.
Friends who were so poor that one time they made chicken-skin curry instead of chicken curry. And when they found a chunk of meat, they insisted I have it. One time they asked "could you sponsor us some beer?" but other than that they were SO generous. One was from Mizoram, others were from Burma.
And my 13-year old neighbor kid Sunny (Pratik) is now a Rammstein fan.
i am amazed at what india has become. i was there in the nineties, and i thought this country would be a "BASKET CASE" meaning a "BEGGAR STATE" forever. what a turn around dude. Wow these indians have finally come to their senses, i mean its time they realized their socialist bullshitt dont work. communist china can change why not a democratic india. hopefully these people will realize the benefits of a free entrepeunership and free society. To your blog dude keep it up. Good job.
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