Thursday, February 08, 2007

London Apartment

I had a few minutes and wanted to post some pictures of my apartment in London to those of you who still read the blog. The place is in Wandsworth, which is in South London near the border of Zone 1 and 2. Maybe not as close to work as I'd like it to be but it's important to me that I'm in a good apartment in a nice area. After all, these will be my first steps into the real world. While India has been quite real, maybe too real, I've been living in an apartment supplied by my employer and I don't pay any bills. I didn't have a choice of neighborhoods and I live with the people I work with, so in a lot of ways this has simply been an extension of college. For the first time in my life, the money I make in my job will pay for my basic human needs. I'll pay rent, buy groceries, pay back loans (hopefully) and be able to save money on a scale that is significant to my future financial wellbeing.

I'll keep everyone more updated as my move gets closer (Feb 21st), but in the meantime you can check out my apartment.

Yep, that's the Thames you can see from my balcony

In other news, I talked to Paul Vockler today. This guy was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve during the Carter and Reagan administrations from '77 till '89 and was succeeded by Greenspan. Probably the most important person I've ever met in my life. I was supposed to meet the Prime Minister of Italy on Sunday, but unfortunately I'll be in Delhi for gigs.