Back to 160 and 4th of July
Most of you are probably aware of the issues that foreigners have in India when it comes to the food. Despite some issues in the first few months I've transitioned fairly well. In other words, my stomache is made of frickin steel.
However, I weighed myself about 3 months ago and was alarmed to find out that I had lost about 15 lbs since moving to India. Scary.
So I got back on a workout routine and started eating better and I'm happy to announce that I'm back at 160 lbs!
Yes, I'm aware that nobody cares.
Celebrating the 4th of July in India is definitely interesting, and getting your hands on fireworks is extremely easy. Nothing else too exciting or different from a US 4th. We had a BBQ on my buddy's roof, drank beer, listened to music, celebrating freedom... The only difference was listening to these Goldman Sachs fools discuss the socioeconomics of sub-Saharan Africa for a few hours. And we watched football. None of this is normal American behavior, which is nice sometimes.
That's another thing. I've purged "soccer" from my vocab. Why do the US and Australia, feel like they can call football by another name when we're not even good at it? Pretty arrogant, eh? Well when I hang out with so many non-Americans, imagine what they think when I call the game soccer.
"Man, Americans are such pricks."
I don't need to meet new people and start off in the hole because I'm American.
I constantly find myself defending the US anyway, especially around freedom-hating Europeans who feel like they have to hold me individually responsible for the foreign policy of the United States.
And while we're on the subject, I was upset before one of the US matches that many Americans in the room did not know the words to the National Anthem!!!
Anyway, the most important part about July 4th is that it's my mother's birthday.
Feel free to leave birthday comments for my mother. She's incredible. And she loves freedom.
July 4th is my Mom's birthday too. And her passport was stolen on that date while crossing over from Canada
bealted HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Nate's mom ^_^!!
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